High & Ultra-High Resolution

300 nm with Optical and 15 nm with Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography

  • Description

  • Resolution can be much more than just the smallest feature size possible. Depending on the application, the deciding factor for high resolution can be feature density, restrictions on geometry, line-edge roughness, or CD uniformity.

    In ultra-high resolution lithography, for resolutions of below 100nm in size, the actual process for resist choice and etching, as well as the metrology functionality, become critical factors.

    The specifications that we provide for our lithography systems are conservative and are easily achievable during the site acceptance, meaning that the exposure results from our systems could be better than what is advertised (as shown in a few examples).

    We strive to push technology to the physical limits of resolution. Our optical systems can reach dimensions down to 300 nm, while our NanoFrazor Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography system can achieve 15 nm isolated feature sizes using the ultra-sharp heated tips.

Resolution can be much more than just the smallest feature size possible. Depending on the application, the deciding factor for high resolution can be feature density, restrictions on geometry, line-edge roughness, or CD uniformity.

In ultra-high resolution lithography, for resolutions of below 100nm in size, the actual process for resist choice and etching, as well as the metrology functionality, become critical factors.

The specifications that we provide for our lithography systems are conservative and are easily achievable during the site acceptance, meaning that the exposure results from our systems could be better than what is advertised (as shown in a few examples).

We strive to push technology to the physical limits of resolution. Our optical systems can reach dimensions down to 300 nm, while our NanoFrazor Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography system can achieve 15 nm isolated feature sizes using the ultra-sharp heated tips.

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suitable Systems

NanoFrazor tabletop


  • Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography System

Versatile & modular tool combining Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography, Direct Laser Sublimation, and advanced automation for cutting-edge R&D. 

DWL 66+

DWL 66+

  • Direct Write Laser Lithography System

Our most versatile system for research and prototyping with variable resolution and wide selection of options.

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